Acoustic Analysis on the Palatalized Vowels of Modern Mongolian
In Modern Mongolian the palatalized vowels [ȧ, ɔ̇, ʊ̇] before palatalized consonants are considered as phoneme allophones according to the most scholars. Nevertheless theses palatalized vowels have the distinctive features what could be proved by the minimal pairs and nowadays this question is open and not profoundly studied. The purpose of this work is to determine the acoustic and articulator features of the vowels preceding the palatalized consonants and the corresponding plain vowels of Modern Mongolian, Khalkha dialect. In the introduction, the definitions on the palatalized vowels and the previous traditional, experimental analysis of the palatalized vowels are discussed. Therefore, in the second section we presented the results of comparison of the short palatalized vowels and the corresponding plain vowels: (1) methods of the experimental study, (2) results of the acoustic features of palatalized and plain vowels. In result of this observation the formants, the length and the pitch of the short palatalized vowels differ more or less in comparison with corresponding plain vowels.
Keywords: Mongolian, Khalkha dialect, vowel, palatalized, plain, acoustic
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