Lexion: That Which Upholds or Bears an Archetype; Introducing Lex and Lexion to Modern English
Derived from the Etruscan and Greek alphabets, Latin is a classical language that has influenced modern languages such as English, French, Italian and Spanish. With its Latin and Greek roots, this paper argues that the word lexion is an appropriate and necessary addition to the English language. Lex in Latin means, law, syllabus, statute and dharma. Lex in Ancient Greek means ‘the Word’ or logos. Drawing from Plato, this paper argues that lexion is the lore, law and dharma that upholds or bears an idea or perfect Form. A lexion emerges at the confluence of forces aligned with the archetype, thus forming the metaphysical body or spirit of an organisation. It is argued that a new term is necessary to name this phenomenon as current terms, while appropriate in some contexts, are often inadequate, limited and at times misleading. This paper outlines the benefits in introducing a new term.
Keywords: archetype, lex, lexion, metaphysical, organisational spirit, Plato
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