Linguistic and Cognitive Characteristics of the Composition of the Text of J.K. Rowling's English Tales
This article focuses on linguistic and cognitive characteristics inherent in the composition of the English postmodern tales written by J.K. Rowling. The composition of the text is viewed as linguistic and cognitive construal that integrates compositional plot structure, compositional meaning structure, linguistic and stylistic means of their actualization in the text. The content of the text is organized as a specific configuration of compositional plot blocks reflecting similar topics of textual situations. The coherence and cohesion of compositional plot blocks are provided by the compositional devices which perform text building and text forming functions. Compositional meaning structure is revealed via reconstruction of the conceptual metaphoric and metonymic schemas embodied in compositional plot blocks. The key meaning is represented by the megametaphor LIFE IS THE CHOICE OF A PATH, which in the text unfolds into a number of conceptual metaphors and metonymies. The peculiarities of representation of compositional plot structure and compositional meaning structure are explained through the analysis of corresponding linguistic and stylistic means and types of narration.
Keywords: Composition, Linguo-cognitive construal, Compositional plot structure, Compositional meaning structure, Compositional plot blocks, Conceptual megametaphor
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