A ‘Judicious’ Use of L1 in TL Classroom: Socio-political, Psychological and Functional Dimensions
In the present study, the authors deliberate that there are no separate boxes in human brain to restrict two different languages to interact with each other. The practice on ground is strongly in favour of allowing L1 to support target language (TL). The paper contests the status quo of maximal input hypothesis and documents enough research in the field of human psychology, code-switching, bilingualism and Socio-Cultural Theory (SCT). The Canadian French Immersion Programme has also been referred to, in the article. The real life teaching and learning experiences have been shared and are connected to the latest theory and research, and it is concluded that this issue has serious socio-political and academic dimensions. The study postulates that the extent of L1 to be used is highly context-dependent. A ‘judicious’ use of L1 should, however, be practiced in target language (TL) class without malign.
Keywords: Judicious use, L1, code-switching, socio-political, psychological, functional dimensions
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