Generic Structure of Discussion Sections in ESP Research Articles across International and Iranian Journals
Reviewing literature reveals that identifying generic structure of research articles (RAs) in different fields of study, especially ESP, has received much attention. The major purpose behind such trends of research has been raising researchers' awareness of the common conventions in writing RAs. Along with this universal trend, a lot of genre studies have been done in Iranian context; however, it seems that ESP RAs have not been paid due attention yet. Hence this study aimed at investigating the generic structure of ESP RAs in international and Iranian journals. Applying Kanoksilapatham's (2007) model to the compiled corpus, it was found that contextualizing the study (Move 1) and consolidating results (Move 2) were the obligatory moves in Discussion section of ESP RAs across international and Iranian journals. Evaluation of the findings was a new step found in international Discussion sections but absent in Iranian ones. Related discussion of these findings prepares the researchers for publishing in international and Iranian ESP journals.
Keywords: ESP, Discussion section, Move, Step, Author presence, Generic structure
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