Feminist Perceptions and the Challenges for Women’s Education in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in the 21st Century
This article aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion about women’s education. Conflicting discourses, regarding the positions of women as student learners, create an educational challenge that faces the GCC countries in the 21st century. This study explores the prevalent feminist positions in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and presents the findings to the public and to decision makers in KSA. The data is generated in two ways: focus group and a questionnaire. Aside from the information they yield, the results of the focus group interviews were used to develop a questionnaire that was distributed among students from various departments at King Abdelaziz University women’s main campus. The article finally discusses the results of this survey and also explores the debatable concepts of fairness vs. equality in the context of the findings.
Keywords: women, feminism, education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, feminist perception, pro-Islamic feminism, pro-western feminism
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