Differentiated Instruction in Physical Education: Influences on Student Passion, Study Habits and Fitness Levels

Asep Akbaruddin, Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Amat Komari, Wahyu Saputra, Mochamad Fajar Permana, Kopzhassar Bayetov, Ahmet Kurtoğlu, Zukhro Bahadirovna Khamraeva, Joseph Lobo, Edi Setiawan


Background: Literature has reported that the use of teaching models is becoming more popular in physical education (PE) learning activities increasing in learning activities in physical education (PE). However, research examining the differentiated learning model (DMI) in PE is still very limited, and its impact on passion learning (PL), study habits (SH), and physical fitness (PF) is still unclear. Objective: This study aims to determine the effects of DMI program during physical education (PE) towards PL, SH, and PF among students. Methods: Sixty students from junior high schools were involved, and assigned into DMI (n = 30), and control (CG) groups (n = 30). The assessment of PL was conducted by using harmonious passion (HP), obsessive passion (OP), SH with habits towards myself (HTM), habits towards others (HTO), PF with countermovement jump (CMJ), flamingo balance test (FBT), 20 m sprint test (20-mST), agility t-test (ATT), hand grip strength (HGS) were conducted in pre-, mid-, and post-test. Results: There are three main findings in this study. First, there were main effects of teaching, time, and interaction on HP (p<.001), and OP (p<.001). Second, we also found that there was a main effects of teaching, time, and interaction on HTM (p<.001), and HTO (p<.001). Lastly, there were main effects of teaching, time, and interaction on CMJ (p<.001), FBT (p<.001). And the same time was also found on 20-mST (p<.001), ATT (p<.001), and HGS (p<.001). Conclusions: We concluded that DMI integrated into PE for 11 weeks improved PL, SH, and PF aspects among students.


Habits, Physical Fitness, Physical Education and Training, Passion

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijkss.v.13n.1p.33


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