A Review of the Effect of Resistance Exercise on Development of Anaerobic and Balance Performance in Adolescent Footballers

Andrew Rinaldi Sinulingga, Inese Pontaga


Background: The resistance exercises underpin the strength and power development of muscle activation in adolescent footballers. Objective: The study purposed to review the effectiveness of different resistance exercise models on improving anaerobic and balance characteristics among young football players. Methods: A systematic search of Scopus, SPORT Discus, and the Web of Science was undertaken to identify the study content using a combination of searches related to resistance exercise, balance, and anaerobic performance. Titles and abstracts were used to search for keywords, and data were extracted using the subject characteristics, training intervention, measurement, and outcomes. Results: Fourteen studies were identified that investigated the effects of resistance programs on the anaerobic and balance characteristics. A combination of plyometric and regular football training significantly improved the anaerobic characteristics, and balance performance in young footballers. Based on high-quality evidence, anaerobic and balance performance enhancement appears after conducting resistance exercises for approximately eight weeks, with two to three sessions on alternate days a week. The volume consists of 2-3 sets per exercise, 6-12 repetitions per set, and intensity was classified as moderate to high, with one repetition maximum. Conclusion, Integrating resistance exercise into the regular training sessions improves the anaerobic performance of young footballers, such as jumping, sprinting, and changing direction, while improving balance ability, indicated by reducing the center of pressure area side-asymmetry and sway speed during unipedal and bipedal leg stance.


Resistance Exercise, Anaerobic, and Balance Performance, Young Football Players

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