A Bibliometric Analysis Study on Sport Sciences: Trends and Recommendation for Athletes’ Performance

Meiky Fredianto, Maria Ulfa, Rahma Aulia Khairunnisa, Mohammad Zaim Chilmi


Background: Sports science is responsible for locating, approving, developing, and perfecting various strategies to improve athletic performance. New methods for assessing an athlete’s technical and physical prowess are being created daily, and fresh training concepts are evolving impressively swiftly. If coaches had access to the most up-to-date techniques and knowledge to create the most effective training plans, athletes would gain significantly. This study aims to find patterns and make recommendations to stakeholders to enhance athlete performance. Method: A literature review of documents was conducted from 2018 to 2022, specifically focusing on “sports science” in 2023. 408 English-language documents in the area of medicine were identified using the Scopus database. Scopus search analysis and VOSviewer software were employed to analyze the bibliometric data. Result: The top three keywords’ trends found in this study were health (1.41%), physical (1.15%), and sports (0.89%). The top results revealed a positive correlation between overall sports sciences scores on physical and activity (Pearson correlation score ± 0.74 - 0.73, P>0.50). Sports injury, types of sport, physical, epidemiology, basic science study, and physiotherapy are the six clusters our study on sports sciences has discovered. The trends analyzed in this study were sports sciences, sports performance, and sports injury. This study recommends enhancing the physical training performance of athletes for the sports they are playing. Conclusion: A sports science approach to evidence-based practice could effectively prevent athlete injuries and physiotherapy management. The coaches should be concerned about the health and safety of their athletes. The practice of sports medicine can improve sports science and athlete performance.


Athletic Performance, Athletic Injuries, Exercise, Sport Medicine


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/10.7575/aiac.ijkss.v.12n.3p.15


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