Effects of Short-Term Jump Squat Training With and Without Chains on Strength and Power in Recreational Lifters
Background: The use of chains in resistance training is a way to accommodate the muscular strength curve. Short-term training and jump squats have been shown to increase back squat strength, but not in conjunction with each other or with chains. Jump squats have also been used to increase jump height and power. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of short-term jump squat training with and without chains on strength and power. Methods: Thirty-one resistance-trained men volunteered to participate (age = 23.87 ± 2.2 years, height=174.87 ± 6.94 cm, mass = 82.74 ± 14.95 kg) and were randomly assigned to one of three groups [control (C) = 10, no chains (NC) =10, or chains (CH) = 11]. Participants had their jump height (VJ) and back squat strength (BS) tested before and after a week of training. The NC and CH groups performed three training sessions consisting of five sets of three reps of jump squats at 30% 1RM with 30s rest between sets. The CH group had 20% of their load added by chains when standing erect. The C group did not train. Results: A 3 (group: CH, NC, C) x 2 (time: pre, post) mixed factor ANOVA revealed a significant (p = 0.006) interaction for back squat 1RM. Both the CH (pre 142.56 ± 20.40 kg; post 145.66 ± 19.59 kg) and NC (pre 150.00 ± 15.23 kg; post 154.77 ± 15.09 kg) groups significantly increased while the C (pre 157.27 ± 25.35 kg; post 156.36 ± 24.85 kg) group showed no difference. There were no significant interactions (p =0.32) or main effects for VJ (C = pre 50.59 ± 9.39cm; post 51.29 ± 9.68cm; NC = pre 55.29 ± 5.23cm; post 57.39 ± 5.22cm; CH = pre 46.19 ± 5.02; post 47.45 ± 4.62.) Conclusions: The CH group was able to increase strength while lifting less overall weight. Coaches may use short-term training with chains to yield a similar increase in back squat strength as without chains.
Keywords: variable resistance, back squats, novel, vertical jump
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