Translation by Omission and Translation by Addition In English-Arabic Translation with Reference to Consumer-oriented Texts

Alhanouf Alrumayh


The aim of this study is to identify translation by omission and translation by addition procedures within the area of consumer-oriented texts in English-Arabic translation texts of in-flight magazine articles. Nida’s (1964) techniques of adjustment that include both additions and subtractions are adopted to verify the goals of the translation in this study, along with Dickins et al. (2017) and Vinay and Darbelnet (1995) as main references for understanding the theoretical scope of the two notions. Findings show that both procedures could be regarded as general traits in translating consumer-oriented texts from English to Arabic and vice versa.


Implicitation, Translation by Omission, Explicitation, Translation by Addition, Translation Procedures, consumer-oriented Texts

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