Okot p’Bitek’s Attitude Towards the African Past: A Study of Song of Lawino

Abdulqawi A. S. Altobbai


This paper attempts to textually examine Okot p’Bitek’s Song of Lawino and find out how Okot deals with the theme of the past versus the present (tradition versus modernity) and what attitude he spells out through the song. Is he just advocating an idealization of the past and utterly rejecting the western culture and ways or is he one of those writers who are in favor of a realistic appraisal of the past and blending the modern with the traditional, the western with the African? While the song addresses many issues, this paper will focus on the two issues of Christianity and western education being the most important root causes of the cultural conflict depicted in the song.


Song of Lawino, Westernization, Christianity, Negritude, African Culture, Okot p’Bitek, Colonialism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijclts.v.8n.3p.19


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