Determination of Appropriate Topic for Exercise - A Strategy in Succeeding Translation Teaching for Undergraduate Students

Roswani Siregar, Syahron Lubis


Translation is a real-life, a natural activity and increasingly needed in globalization era. Although many believes that translation skill is acquired naturally, but many scholars believe it can be teachable. Besides, teaching translation is a difficult to set up and time-consuming activity, it is necessary to plan carefully. Thus, the aim of this article is to describe the steps in providing the appropriate topic for exercise in teaching translation course for undergraduate students. This is a part of study in inventing the model of translation teaching in university setting for non-translation class. As translation is process that involve the intellectuality, it is also viewed as art, thus this article will clarify how the translation material were prepared, what aspect should be considered before giving it in practice. This article also briefly describe the student perception on teaching-learning activities that suggest that the appropriate preparation of material is significant in keeping the student interest on translation teaching.


Translation, Teaching, Material, Text, Student, Course

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