The Relationship between Professional Translators’s Emotional Intelligence and thei̇r Translator Satisfaction

Fadime Çoban


It is a well-known fact that translation studies is an interdisciplinary field of science and interacted by other disciplines such as Linguistics, Literature, Sociology and Philosophy to find answers to translation problems. The relationship between psychology and translation has also become widespread among translation scholars in recent years. In addition to cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills also affect the decisions of translators and the quality of translation in the translation process. Related studies on these concepts are being investigated nowadays. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is any relationship between the emotional intelligence of the professional translators working in the market and their translator satisfaction. For this purpose, a questionnaire study for professional translators was completed and the data were analyzed through SPSS 21.0 program. In the study, 3 different data collection tools such as Individual Information Form, Emotional Intelligence Scale and Translator Satisfaction Scale were used. Relational screening model was also used in the study. Pearson Correlation Analysis was used to determine whether there was any statistically significant relationship between the dimensions and besides regression analysis was performed in order to see the effects of interrelated dimensions. As a result of the analyzes, it was found that there was a statistically significant relationship between both the emotional intelligence and translator satisfaction of professional translators. The same was also found the dimensions of both scales.


Non-Cognitive Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Translator Satisfaction, Pearson Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis

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