Non-Equivalence at Idiomatic and Expressional Level and the Strategies to Deal with: English Translation into Persian
The main purpose of this paper is to throw some light on non-equivalence at an idiomatic and expressional level in a contrastive analysis framework from English translation into Persian. The present paper makes an effort to analyze six main strategies such as using an idiom or an expression of similar meaning and form, similar meaning but dissimilar form, borrowing the source language, translation by paraphrase, translation by omission of a play on idiom or expression and translation by omission of entire idiom or expression (Baker, 2011). Hence, the core properties of this issue are described both in English and Persian languages. Moreover, within the text, there is a comparison which is conducted to highlight the matches and mismatches between these two languages. Further, other translators may well take this information as one of the main platforms from which they find out some strategies in translation idioms and expressions. This study concludes Baker’s (2011) proposed strategies are applicable and then proposes some weighty recommendations to be taken by translators in such a demanding issue.
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