Community in Julio Cortázar’s Libro de Manuel

Grace A. Gomashie


Libro de Manuel (A Manual for Manuel), Julio Cortázar’s 1973 novel, revolves around a small revolutionary group of South-American expatriates based in Paris named la Joda and its quest to raise the consciousness of the public about social injustice as well as to free some political prisoners. This article focuses on various theoretical concepts of community, and how these relate to the fictional community of la JodaLa Joda is a diverse community made up of members who all contribute their part in mini-revolutions and it represents for its members a quest for freedom at an individual and a collective level. La Joda also has a sense of belonging, tolerance and trust among its members. Cortázar succeeds in creating a fictional intellectual and revolutionary community with some real-world characteristics, that embarks on a quixotic mission to change the world.

Keywords: Social Justice,  Community, Revolution, Conciousness 

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