The Superlative Knowledge in the Process of Translation
In this article, the researcher studied the superlative knowledge (linguistic knowledge or technical knowledge) in the process of translation. The translators should have both linguistic knowledge and technical knowledge in a certain field for translating the texts. Since some of the translators believed that linguistic knowledge is more important than technical knowledge or vice versa, this issue is of superlative knowledge was the focus of the study. Given its importance, the researcher chose to focus on the field of oil and energy. In addition, the translation in this field is poor, so the researcher wants to improve the translation. To perform this study, some of the participants took part in an interview. They discussed superlative knowledge in this field, and issues in translation of technical texts. Moreover, the other participants were given questionnaires which include 10 items. The study shows that translators should master both linguistic and technical knowledge to provide a proper translation of the text.
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2013-2023 (CC-BY) Australian International Academic Centre PTY.LTD.
International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies
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