Cultural and Social Intelligences and Their Relationship to the Ability of Student Translators When Translating Cultural and Social Texts
The present study aims to investigate the relationship between cultural, social intelligences and student translators’ ability in translating cultural and social texts. The predictive power of CQ subscales (cognitive, meta-cognitive, motivational, and behavioral) and SI subscales (social information processing, social skills, and social awareness) in the variance of translation scores were also examined. For the purpose of the study, a sample of 82 senior students of English Translation Studies comprised the participants of the study. Participants filled two questionnaires: the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) and a Persian version of Tromso Social Intelligence Scale. They also received a rendering test of translation. The results of the analysis indicated that there is a significant relationship between cultural intelligence (CQ) and its subscales, social intelligence (SI) and its subscales and student translators’ ability in translating cultural and social texts.
Keywords: Cultural Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Translation Ability, Translation of Cultural and Social Texts
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