Translation as a Cross Cultural Study: An Analysis of Scent of a Woman

Amineh Adelnia


Translation is a profession that deals with replacing a message in one language by a similar message in another language. However, this is not always possible in translation of Culture-Bound Terms (CBTs) since each culture has its own way of expressing concepts and entities. When translating CBTs of a text, the translator should be cautious of the strategies he/she chooses to better be able to transfer the effect that the original writer assumes to transfer. This paper aims to investigate the procedures used by the translator to translate CBTs from English into Farsi. These CBTs are chosen from one single scene of the movie Scent of a Woman. In order to do so, the researcher watched the film and extracted the CBTs from the subtitles and analyzed the data. The paper also provides the readers with some examples to see how the translator coped with the difficulty of his rendering.

Keywords: Culture, Culture-Bound Terms (CBTs), Translation Strategies, Subtitles

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International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies

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