Effect of Submucosal Resection and Submucosal Diathermy on Nasal Airflow in Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy
ubmucosal resection and submucosal diathermy are common procedures in the treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Nonetheless, there is still a debate on the safety and efficacy between these two surgical techniques. We aimed at comparing the effectiveness and safety of submucosal diathermy and submucosal resection in the treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Sixty patients with nasal obstruction due to inferior turbinate hypertrophy were randomly divided into two groups; submucosal resection and submucosal diathermy groups. Gertner-Podoshin plate was used for measurement of nasal airflow before operation and 2 months postoperative. Significant resolution of the obstruction reported by the patients was similarly detected in diathermy (93.1%) and resection groups (96%, P>0.05). According to the Gertner-Podoshin measurements, both diathermy and resection techniques similarly resulted in good nasal airflow two month postoperative (86.2% vs. 89.2%, respectively; P>0.05). Postoperative bleeding was more common in the resection group compared with the diathermy group (P=0.002). Moreover, patients in the diathermy group suffered from pain more than the resection group (P=0.01). Both submucosal resection and submucosal diathermy techniques result in similar postoperative outcomes in treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy, although postoperative bleeding
and pain was more in submucosal resection and submucosal diathermy techniques, respectively.
Keywords: Inferior turbinate hypertrophy; nasal airflow; side effects; submucosal diathermy; submucosal resection
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