A Study of Translation Students' Self-Regulation and Metacognitive Awareness in Association with their Gender and Educational Level
The present study sought to investigate the probable link between Iranian English translation studies students’ metacognitive awareness, self-regulation, and gender. Furthermore, the role of educational level of translation students in metacognitive awareness and self-regulation was explored. For the purpose of the study, a sample of 230 M.A and B.A senior English translation students comprised the participants of the research. They were asked to complete two questionnaires of Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) and Self-regulation Trait (SRT).The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) was developed by Schraw and Dennison (1994) and consists of 52 statements. It measures two components of metacognition: metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation. Metacognitive knowledge comprises three subscales: Declarative knowledge, Procedural knowledge, and Conditional knowledge. Metacognitive regulation consists of five subscales: Planning, Information management, Monitoring, Debugging, and Evaluation. The self-regulation trait (SRT) questionnaire was designed by O'Neil and Herl (1998). It was developed based on Zimmerman's self –regulation model. It consists of 32 Likert-scale questions. The scale seeks to measure metacognition and motivation dimensions. Each dimension comprises two sub-scales. Meta-cognition covers the constructs of planning and self-monitoring, and motivation contains effort and self-efficacy. Independent samples t-tests were run to investigate the role of gender and educational level in the level of translation students’ metacognitive awareness and self-regulation. The results of t-test demonstrated that there are not any differences between male and female translation students regarding metacognitive awareness and self-regulation. It was also found that there is a negative significant impact of educational level on total metacognitive awareness, and some components of metacognitive awareness: declarative knowledge, conditional knowledge, and evaluation. In other words, MA students were shown to have higher levels of metacognitive awareness in comparison with their BA counterparts. Finally, no significant differences between educational level and self-regulation were obtained.
Keywords: Gender; Educational Level; Metacognitive Awareness, Self-regulation, Translation studies
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