A Model of Translator’s Competence from an Educational Perspective
Translation as a business is a service. The concept of translation competence is a term covering the various skills and knowledge that a translator needs to have in order to translate functionally. The term which is often studied as a multi-componential concept in literature may not cover the necessary skills if it is taken from an organizational point of view. Program designs at the departments of Translation Studies at universities can be seen as a model for students to acquire translation competence. One of the primary purposes of translation education is to measure and assess the acquisition of translation competence. Despite the fact that the concept of translation competence consists of knowledge and skills needed to translate, the job description of a translator in the translation sector may well go beyond the proper translation process from an organizational perspective. This study focuses on the need for a change from translation competence to translator’s competence. The need was observed through a scale of translation competence conducted at the states universities in Turkey, which resulted in the proposed model of translator’s competence. A scale of translation competence concerning student perceptions was used as an empirical data collection tool in quantitative research in Translation Studies, the reliability statistics of which was tested as ,951 with 448 participants. The scale consists of 50 statements and measures 8 sub-competencies. This paper proposes a model of translator’s competence from an educational perspective, thus paving the way for more effective translator education required to meet the expectations in the translation sector. The concept of translator’s competence was proposed as an umbrella term to cover the needs of translation business. It is based on the three different skills of technical skills, conceptual skills and interpersonal skills in which the technical skills represent the translation competence as one of the constituents of the translator’s competence. Program designs at tertiary education can be more effective in that it takes this aspect into consideration.
Keywords: Translator’s competence, translation competence, translation education, translator training, translation sector, translation companies
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