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Korkoi Bonku, Lucy, Department of Liberal Studies, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
Korkoi Bonku, Lucy, Department of Liberal Arts, Kumasi Technical University, Kumasi, Ghana
Kreishan, Lana J., Department of English Language and Literature, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, P.O.Box 20, Maan, Jordan
Krish, Pramela
Krishnasamy, Hariharan A/L N.
Kuriakose, John
Kuriakose, John, Department of Foreign Languages, Albaha University, Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia
Kuru Gönen, Safiye İpek, Department of English Language Teaching, Anadolu University, Turkey
Kuswoyo, Heri
Kwame Gabriel, Agbemehia, Department of Languages, E.P. College of Education, Amedzofe, Ghana, Box AM 12, Amedzofe, Ho, Ghana
Kyiileyang, Martin, Department of English Education, University of Education, Winneba, Winneba, Central Region. Ghana, West Africa
Kyiileyang, Martin
Kyridis, Argyris
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Advances in Language and Literary Studies
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