Preparing and Implementing Instruction Reading Activities in French Language Classes: An Action Research with Pre-Service French Teachers



In this study, answers were sought about how instruction reading activities affect pre-service teachers’ instruction reading behavior, the opinions of pre-service teachers about instruction reading activities, how to apply instruction reading activities in Text Grammar in a French course, and how instruction reading activities affect pre-service teachers’ awareness of delivering the instructions. The study was designed as action research. For this purpose, following the literature review, teaching materials were developed and applied to improve instruction reading skills. The participants of the study consisted of students studying at the French Language Teaching Program in a state university, who are attending a second-year spring semester Text Grammar in a French course. Different qualitative and quantitative data collection tools such as video recordings, observations, interviews, researcher diary, and achievement tests were used to collect data in the study. As a result of the analysis of the data, it was observed that instruction reading activities had a positive effect on the students’ instruction reading skills, increased the students’ awareness of instruction reading, and supported the use of strategies in instruction reading. Instruction reading activities conducted during the action research influence the development of instruction reading skills of French teacher candidates. And these activities created an awareness of the instruction in pre-service teachers and supported instruction reading behaviour. In addition, instruction reading activities had positive effects on the academic achievement, strategy use, and professional development of participants.


Action Research, Autonomous Learning, French Language Teaching, Instruction Analysis Activities, Instruction Reading, Pre-Service Teacher Education

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