The CEFR-TBL in Fostering Thai Pre-service Teachers’ English Speaking Ability Using the Peer Interview Task
This study aims to promote English pre-service teachers’ speaking ability by integrating task-based learning (TBL) and the CEFR (Council of Europe, 2001) in designing an innovative program (the CEFR-TBL). This presentation discusses the results of an investigation of the pre-service teachers’ speaking ability using peer-interview technique. Also, their perceptions towards the CEFR-TBL Innovative Program were examined. The participants were thirty-six 4th year students in English Education Program at a Rajabhat University in the central part of Thailand. Research method applied in this study was action research and case study approach. Data sources were collected from interview video recordings, and a set of questionnaire. Data analysis employed Grounded theory (Strauss & Corbin, 1999) for qualitative data, and means and S.D for quantitative ones. Findings from the peer interview task revealed five aspects of students’ English speaking although they were able to successfully communicate in their interview conversation. Also, the results from the questionnaire showed that the students perceived the benefits of the CEFR-TBL Innovative Program and that the program enhanced them in using English in both verbal and non-verbal communication.
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