I’m Sorry for My Bad English: Why Does EFL Learner Say It?
Generally, people are apologizing after they make a mistake or do certain acts which offense others. But the context in which the apology needs to be said in every culture can be different. Therefore, EFL learners may fail to use appropriate apology strategy within the context since they are interfered by their L1 culture. However, the case of Richy, an adult EFL learner originally from Java, is a bit different. He apologizes by saying “I’m sorry for my bad English” before he starts speaking. This unique phenomenon leads me to observe and interview him to gain an answer to what factors which might affect him to do so and how that act will influence his speaking. The result shows that Richy’s act was affected by cultural and psychological aspects where he got a pragmalinguistic failure in using his speech act of apology and tried to reach his need for safety through it. By reaching his need, he felt more motivated and gained his self-efficacy in delivering his speech.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575//aiac.alls.v.10n.3p.101
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