Learning Method and Teaching Material of Plus Curriculum In The Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ulum, Banda Aceh: An Ethnographic Study

- Syarfuni, - Nuruddin, - Zainal Rafli


This study is to understand the teaching materials, approaches and methods used in the plus curriculum in the teaching English as compulsory subject in the Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ulum Banda Aceh. An ethnography method was purposefully used where four participants were involved for an in-depth interview and classroom observation. The result revealed that the approaches were used namely scientific and communicative approach. The method becomes priority were lecture method, demonstration, discussion, simulation, grammar translation method, direct method, debate, and role play. Whereas the teaching material were sourced from the technical school guiding book, relevant technical books, magazines, visual-based teaching, audio-visual based and multimedia-based learning sources. Therefore, this is one of evidences that the using of teaching material, approaches and method under the plus curriculum can mediate the Madrasah Aliyah students’ English learning outcomes. This may put into account due to the specific educational and cultural issue and practices in those private Madrasah Aliyah. Moreover, it can be recommended to other schools in Banda Aceh to apply such an innovative and combination curriculum contents; local school and national curriculum instruction. A further ethnographic research is needed to investigate how teachers and principals prepare or determine teaching materials and learning model prior to the learning process conducted.


Learning Method, Teaching Material, Plus Curriculum, Learning English, Approaches, Curriculum

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