How to Analyze Local Wisdom Contains in the Novel Series and their Relation with the Author’s Society

Intama Jemy Polii, Bdul Muqit


The literary is a type of an original work by the author, as an impression of the life combined with the power of imagination and the creative ability which is also supported by the experience and the observation of life. The authors who live amidst society appreciate and know the intricate details of that secular society presence. This research discusses the method to analyze local wisdom contains in the novel series and their relationship with the author’s society. The sample novel series used in this study entitled Full Moon (Padang Bulan/PB) and Love in the Glass (Cinta Dalam Gelas/CDG) by Andrea Hirata, one of Indonesia’s novelist. The analysis combines the analytic-descriptive techniques, the content analysis, and the hermeneutics. The local wisdom and their contradiction can be traced and uncovered in light of the author’s idea, which represents his society. Methods apply in this study can be easily applied to other similar stories which can help the readers understand the purpose of the story. Besides, the conflicting interest and the local wisdom can be compelling to be studied, while we can take the real lessons and the knowledge of another culture and their perspective to solve the issues of their life. This manuscript will help many of the analysis to traces, not just the explanation but forget the true wisdom contains in every stories and matter.


Local Wisdom, Novel, Analytic-desciptive Reading, Content Analysis, Hermeneutics, Cultural Study

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