The Analysis of a Tour Guide Yong Ding Earth Building Based on Systemic Functional Grammar

Huanle Cui, Lingling Liu, Juanjuan Li


It is widely believed that tourist trade has been the fastest developing trade in the world. In China, with the development of economy and the improvement of people’s living standard, travelling has been an indispensable part of living. Therefore, tourism text becomes one of the most effective publicity tool to attractive tourists. A tour guide presentation is a kind of tourism texts. And as a new text type, it arouses many scholars’ attention. Many scholars pay much attention to analyze the tour guide presentation based on translation, such as principles and strategies of translation. Few scholars try to analyze it from an angel of linguistics. Both spoken language and written language are tools of human communication. And they all bear different function. According to Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar, he holds an idea that language has three metafunctions. They are ideational, interpersonal and textual function. This paper tries to analyze a tour guide presentation based on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar. And this paper points an asymmetrical power structure between a tour guide and tourists. And this paper also presents some suggestions about how to write a good tour guide presentation for effectively delivering information and attracting tourists.


Systemic Functional Grammar, Interpersonal Function, Tour Guide Presentation

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