Torn Between Two Worlds: Hybridity and In-between Identity Recognition in Goli Taraqqi’s Two Worlds

Nasser Najafi Shabankare, Bahar Mehrabi


As one of the contemporary Iranian women writers living in the U.S, Goli Taraqqi’s fiction is mostly concerned with pains and difficulties of migrant Iranian women in other countries. Bearing a biographical resemblance, her sequence collection to Scattered Memories, entitled Two Worlds retells interrelated short stories of a woman writer narrator, entangled in an asylum in Paris, who digs into her past, writes stories about it, and is able to regain her sanity in the end, as she gets ready to enter the brave new world. The process of identity recognition is to be approached with an eye on Homi K, Bhabha’s assertions about ‘hybridity’ and ‘in-between’ as explained in his 1994 Location and Culture, to see to what degree the newly gained identity, which is resembled to a resurrection, is in fact a hybrid one.  

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