The Role of Anxiety in Learning and Performing English in the Cadet College Classes: Bangladesh Perspective

Zakeya Sultana


Feeling of anxiety is exceedingly experienced by the English language learners throughout the world. Though the impact of anxiety on learning and performing in English has been widely studied in United States, Canada, Japan, Taiwan and many other countries; this present study, in contrast, tries to find out the reasons of anxiety in learning and performing English in the classes among the Bangladeshi cadet college students. Data has been collected through questionnaire from 30 participants from different cadet colleges in Bangladesh. Finally 10 students (one third of the total participants) were interviewed to get supportive data on their responses. An analysis of their responses indicate that preoccupied fear, peers’ parents’ and teachers’ reactions (sometimes)hold the participants back to flourish and express themselves properly. The responses of the participants quite clearly show that peers’, parents’ as well as preceptors’ amiable attitude towards the learners can pave the way for anxiety free learning and performance. So the findings can clearly facilitate both the students and the teachers in this respect.


Anxiety, English Language, Pedagogy, Cadet College Students, Bangladesh

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