Morphosyntax Analysis of Acehnese Clitic

Denni Iskandar, - Mulyadi, Iskandar Abdul Samad


Clitic has challenged many grammatical theories because it is a combination between syntax and morphology. At most theory, clitization is considered as a phenomenon of phrase because the clan of its form is similar to affixes attached to whole phrase. Some experts claim that clitic is one form that is difficult to identify and classify. This qualitative research investigates the clitic of Acehnese in the perspective of morphosyntax. This research found that Acehnese consists of proclitic and enclitic. The function is to emphasize the topic being talked by the subject. In general, Acehnese clitic is a relatively complex personal pronoun because Acehnese’s pronominal system is identical with the content of morality (politeness and friendship). Each personal pronoun has its own proclitic and enclitic including the adjustment of clitic for variant personal pronouns which refers to the level of politeness. In addition to personal pronoun, the clitic in Acehnese is also used to refer to noun or nounphrase either to animals, plants, or other types of nouns.


Clitic, Proclitic, Enclitic, Acehnese, Personal Pronoun, Politeness

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