The Effect of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition on Reading Comprehension of IAIN Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

- Erlidawati, - Syarfuni


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Cooperative Integrated and Composition (CIRC) in teaching reading comprehension to the third semester students of English departement at IAIN Lhokseumawe. The population of this study was all the students in the third semester and the samples are unit-1 and unit-2. The sample was chosen by using random sampling technique. The sample consists of 31 and 32 students. To obtain the data, the pre-test and the post-test were given to two groups; experimental group and control group. The instrument used to collect the data was a test. It was used to see learning achievement of students in reading comprehension. The mean score of experimental group was 81,45 by it was 76,09 of control group. Students’ reading ability in both groups was different as indicated by the t-test. The t-test result shows that the score is 2.210 while the result of t-table is 0,031 at the level of significance is 5% (α=0.05). Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Furthermore, the finding of this study showed that CIRC more effective in In enhancing the students’ reading comprehension. This study contributes to further implications for research on language learning strategies, material design and teacher education in English language teaching.


Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), Reading Comprehension, IAIN Lhokseumawe, Teaching Reading, Traditional Method (TM)

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