A Postcolonial Reading of Wole Soyinka’s Kongi’s Harvest

Adesanya Moroundiya Alabi, Behbood Mohammadzadeh


Post-colonial literature is concerned with the matters of decolonization, cultural, economic and political freedom of the previously colonized nations. Post-colonial theory places more emphasis on the criticality of colonialism and its establishment resulting in neo-colonialism with the accentuation of the power of the west over the colonized (Prasad, 2003:7). Post-colonial literature attempts to explore the challenges and results of decolonization of a nation, particularly those nations who have been given political and cultural independence and were formerly colonized by colonial powers. This study attempts to examine Wole Soyinka’s Kongi’s Harvest to explore and criticize the season of anomy in African society in postcolonial context. The study explores how Africans began to colonize themselves even after the departure of the colonial rulers in Kongi’s Harvest. The result reveals that the reason for the impoverishment of the decolonized African nations is as a result of bad leadership quality, corruption and colonial mentality transmitted into the postcolonial era. For this reason, it is discovered that even after the end of colonization in Africa the colonizers left their surrogates (indigenous colonizers) behind to continue from where they stopped.


Post-colonialism, Hybridity, Africanism, Indigenous Colonizer, Democratic Dictatorship

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.9n.4p.43


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