Javanese Language Preservation in the Global Era: Determining Effective Teaching Methods for Elementary School Students

Lusia Neti Harwati


Previous studies on Javanese language emphasized more on the use of this local language in certain communities and ignored the importance of teaching and learning at an elementary school level in order to preserve the language. The purpose of this study was to describe the lives of the participants, collect and tell stories about their lives, and then write narratives of their experiences. The data were gathered through the collection of stories, reporting individual experiences, and discussing the meaning of those experiences for the participants by proposing a research question: what is the story of the teachers who tried to preserve Javanese language in the global era? A narrative research design, sociolinguistics, and social change as theories were applied in order to understand teachers’ point of view on globalization and the importance of preserving Javanese language. Purposeful sampling was used and two teachers were chosen as participants. The data gathered were then analyzed through three steps, namely code the data, description, and interpretation. There are two findings that can be summarized. Firstly, the interviewees perceived the challenges in teaching Javanese language as an opportunity to be more creative. Secondly, in the attempt to preserve and promote Javanese language and culture, they were fully supported by the school principal as well as the local government. It can be concluded that knowledge of effective teaching strategies is vital in terms of providing an in-depth understanding of how elementary schools can deal with the possible negative impacts of globalization.


Sociolinguistics, Social Change, Society, Speech Community, Globalization, Javanese Language

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