Observing “Myself” in the Video: Fostering Reflective Practice in Oral Presentation Training

Aiping Li, Tianxiao Peng


This paper proposes using video-supported reflection to facilitate EFL students’ reflective practice of oral presentations. Based on reflective learning theory, four teaching stages are designed and used in an intensive oral presentation training project: creating reflection scenarios, providing reflection scaffolds, guiding collaborative reflection, and summarizing learning gains. Data are collected through students’ reflective journals and focus group interviews. Findings indicate that the project has a positive impact on students’ reflective abilities and their perceived learning gains. Problems encountered by the students are identified and discussed in light of research and practice on how to support and enhance reflective learning.


Reflective Learning, Reflective Journals, Video-supported Reflection, Reflective Thinking Levels, Oral Presentation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.9n.3p.138


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