The Relationship Between Phonemics And Segmentation In English

May Stephan Rezqallah


With the advent of communication facilities, most of our students are enthusiastic to get highly acquainted with rhythmical languages; one of these languages is English. Students prefer to speak the language more than to ®write a composition, or get in touch with its grammar. In other words, a question is raised “how can we learn English through its spoken form represented in conversations and dialogues ?” It is not an easy task to teach phonetics and phonology concepts to Iraqi college students; the concepts of visualization of those students; the distinctions between phonemes and segments. So far, they are keen to communicate in English, still their demand and study are to tackle the basic notions. In other words, those students have to get in perceiving the e.g., difference between production and pronunciation; the air stream mechanism participation to make them cope with the precise production and pronunciation. This paper is to reveal the importance of segmentation and phonemics of English for Iraqi students (undergraduates & postgraduates). In other word it is done in order to cope with such inquiry, the linguistic subjects - phonetics and phonology are taught with so many details; i.e., students have to know that letters are written and sounds are spoken. The result would reveal the accents and dialects of English; overseas students are instructed to get used to the teachable variety of English-hence BBC.


Segmentation, Phonemics, Phonetics, Phonology, Phonemes, Realizations, Segmental Approach

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