Literature, Society And The Writer In Tripartite Unity

George Nworah Anaso, Nwabudike Christopher Eziafa


The proactive unity of purpose between Literature, society and the writer is the main focus of this paper. Writers use Literature to address various important themes or the goings on in the society, with the purpose of edifying its virtues and condemning the vices so as to adulate the good deeds or correct the society where it goes wrong. However, this role often exposes the writer to danger and risks from vested interests. The paper nevertheless recommends both local and international actions that could be explored to enhance Literature, society and the writer’s works. It concludes with the submission that with proper political education, the society would be better placed to choose more responsible leaders so that the lots of the society would be better enhanced. In this way the tripartite unity and the full potentials of Literature and writers in society would be realized. 

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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

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