Space, Time and Place in Samuel Beckett’s Collected Shorter Plays: That Time, Rockaby, Come and Go, Quad and Cascando
This paper analyzes the concepts of time and space in Samuel Beckett’s (1906-1989) Collected Shorter Plays based on Martin Heidegger’s (1889-1976) philosophy of being and time. From long time ago, the notions of time and space have an outstanding importance in the life of man, and in every period and time, this subject has its consequences and influential importance on the way people act, behave, think, and confront each other. Regarding philosophy as the study of basic questions of being and knowledge and study of the nature of human thought and the world, these concepts gain especial meaning by means of which a novel and new world of human understanding will be revealed. The reason that the concept of time is important refers to the fact that human being is imprisoned, monitored and controlled through the gates of this concept. They are limited by this philosophical debate, and humanity is nothing and has no meaning out of the concept of time.
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