The Cultural Values in Texts of English Coursebooks for Junior High School in Ambon, Moluccas-Indonesia
This study aimed at investigating and understanding the cultural values in texts of English coursebooks in Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia. The researchers used content analysis method to analyze data in depth, detailed, and complete about the cultural values. The result of this research revealed that the cultural values from texts view found in the English coursebooks were prestige, honesty, discipline, alignment, individuality, diversity, hard-working, generosity, creativity, beauty, equality, fighting spirit, mutual help, caring, proud, independent, and belief. Thus, there were three dominant values that are, diversity, beauty, and alignment. Those results lead to implication that English teacher can apply the cultural values in teaching processes. Then, for the further language researchers can conduct related research on the impact of the cultural values to the attitude and the teenagers’ age.
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