The Speech Functions Used by Ibu Muslimah and Pak Harfan in “Laskar Pelangi” Drama
This research investigates kind of speech function used in utterances created by Ibu Muslimah and Pak Harfan in “Laskar Pelangi” drama. Descriptive qualitative method is conduct for this research. The script of drama Laskar Pelangi was taken as source of data. All utterances produced by bu Muslimah and Pak Harfan as the data in the research. In script of drama Laskar Pelangi it can find 18 statements, 10 questions, 3 commands and 11 offers. Each speech function produces by Ibu Mus and Pak Harfan with different total move. Ibu Muslimah makes 14 statements, 9 offers, 3 commands and 7 Question, while Pak Harfan makes 7 statements. 2 offer, 1 command and 3 questions. Ibu Mus is a dominant one she has more turn and interaction with student that pak Harfan. In addition based on speech function use by Ibu Muslimah it can see that the way of teacher in an area in Indonesia still used teacher centre in doing teaching.
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