Analysis of the Quranic Text Using intertextuality: A Case Study of Two Lexemes
The aim of the present study was to show how intertextuality could be a viable approach to determine the intended meaning of words in religious texts such as the Holy Quran. In order to do just this, the researcher selected two Quranic words to be the data of the study. These were "الخشية"(al- xshiah) and الخوف (al-xawf). The study argues that the former effected internally (i.e. stemming from the human being himself/herself), but "الخوف"(al-xawf) is created by either an internal or external force (i.e. stemming from the human being himself/herself or from external factors). Furthermore, "الخوف" (al-xawf) reflects a real feeling of panic, which causes the heart to pump quickly, butالخشية" "(al-xshiah) does not reflect such a feeling. Finally, we dare to make the claim that who does not fear يخاف""(yaxaf) Allah will be punished but who does not يخشى" "(yaxsha)Allah will not be punished.
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