A Systematic Review of Research on Teaching English Language Skills for Saudi EFL Students
This systematic review study sought to examine the teaching of English language skills in Saudi Arabia by systematically analyzing the previous studies on language skills which were published within the past ten years and identify the research areas to be bridged in the future. The study employed the systematic review approach. The search strategy yielded 221 studies for inclusion in the systematic keyword map, and 95 studies for in-depth review. The findings of this systematic review revealed that students sampling presented (80.09%) in those studies, and female students participated in only (24.43%) of those studies. In addition, (73.30%) of the conducted studies were at the university level indicating a limit interest of the school-level research. In addition, (68.52%) of those studies focused on writings kills , reading skills and achievement indicating the necessity to give more attention to speaking, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar research at all education sectors in the future. The in-depth review also indicated an obvious focus on reading and writing skills and most the studies were undertaken at the university level. The findings were discussed and a number of language skills research gaps were pointed out.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.8n.5p.30
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