Film, Literature, and Education: Trace of Ecopsychology Research in Indonesia
In this study, it is explained about the development of ecopsychology in Indonesia. Related to that, the research focus are ecopsychology development and ecopsychology concretization of education in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive-qualitative approach to explain about ecopsychology in Indonesia. Based on the research results, the findings are as follows. First, the ecopsychology development in Indonesia has existed and characterized by the research which is related to ecopsychology. The research about ecopsychology in Indonesia is more likely in literature, film, and media. Ecopsychology study in psychology or ecology fields do not exist in Indonesia. Second, the ecopsychology concretization of education in Indonesia appears in the study of Literary Psychology. In the study of Literary Psychology, ecopsychology is given to students with stages (1) first stage: initial understanding of ecopsychology; (2) second stage: understanding of field in ecopsychology; (3) third stage: understanding of literature in ecopsychology perspective and (4) fourth stage: ecopsychology application in literary study.
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