A Review on Application of Computers in Education Inside and Outside of Iran
This paper first presents an overview of the Digital Natives claim made by Prensky (2001) and its characteristics. Secondly, focusing on the Iranian context, the paper examines the reports of UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS, 2014), the present state of ICT integration in education in national research, and the present state of ICT integration in education in international research. Reports and comparisons attest to the fact that Iranian educators have failed to realize their high expectations despite heavy financial investment in computer technology in schools and colleges. This review also provides some words of caution about computer technology to help policy makers and educators aware of the negative side-effects of misapplication of technology, the imposition of computer technology to imitate high-source settings, and the misuse of technology and its serious and long-term consequences. Eventually, this paper concludes that if a generation misapplied or underused technology, they should not be added to the list of Prenskey’s digital natives so long as they are deprived of the qualitative and quantitative standards of high-source settings. Additionally, the impacts of technology on a generation need to be examined carefully before they are called digital.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.8n.4p.29
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