Analyzing Listening and Speaking Activities of Iranian EFL Textbook Prospect 3 Through Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
Some significant components are essential in teaching a language. Among these, textbooks are the most significant ones and must be considered seriously. Textbooks play an important role in EFL teaching and learning because they can provide ready-made materials to both teachers and students. Besides, if textbooks aren’t used appropriately, they may spoil the process of teaching. This study aimed at analyzing listening and speaking activities of the textbook Prospect 3 which is used for Junior High School third graders in order to investigate in which level of lower or higher of the learning objectives related to Bloom’s (2001) Revised Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain they would be classified. The findings revealed that all of the activities of listening and speaking skills were classified as the low level of cognitive complexity and could not train the students of this grade for high levels of learning objectives. Hence the teachers should employ extra activities to make the students perform in higher levels of thinking skills and book designers should improve the content of the textbook to cover the higher levels of the cognitive domain.
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