Micro and Macro Content Analysis of English Textbook Entitled “Mosaic One Listening and Speaking (Student’s Book)” In The Light of Communicative Competence
The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which the listening and speaking lessons which are presented in textbook entitled “Mosaic One Listening and speaking (Student’s Book)” are characterized with appropriateness and meaningfulness in light of communicative competence and meet the Principles and features of communicative language teaching. The content analysis was at micro and macro level in terms of the availability of seven criteria of communicative competence in the textbook under the study and in terms of strength and weakness of the content. The findings indicate that The English textbook entitled “Mosaic One Listening and speaking (Student’s Book)” fulfilled 84% of communicative competence’s criteria of the good EFL textbook adapted from some experts in the light of communicative competence.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.8n.2p.41
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