The Micro and Macro Analysis of English and Arabic Religious Texts

Baida Faisal Al-Araji, Sarab Khalil Al-Azzawi


Religious discourse has been treated differently in various types of studies. In the present study, the English Biblical and Arabic Prophetic Hadiths will be tackled on two bases namely the micro and macro levels.  In other words, the data will be analyzed at both micro and macro levels to maintain the organizational status of the religious texts. The macro level is concerned with the topic, the main theme and the gist of each text, whereas the micro level investigates the lexical, syntactic and rhetorical aspects of the selected texts. The data consists of 12 religious texts 6 of which is concerned with the English biblical texts and the other 6 is concerned with the Arabic Prophetic Hadiths. The 12 texts are selected on the basis of the similarity in their themes. The study tries to answer the following:

  1. How is the macro structure represented by the micro aspects of language, namely the lexical, syntactic and rhetorical aspects?
  2. Are there any similarities and/or differences between the two types of texts regarding the micro levels of both languages?
  3. How are lexical, syntactic and rhetorical devices realized in the selected texts in both languages?

Keywords: English religious texts, Arabic religious texts, discourse studies  

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