A Comparative Study in the Poetry of Lorca and Forough Farrokhzad
If we study the shared themes of these two poets, it will be observed that although they are distant culturally and geographically but a similarity and a mental resemblance between their works can be identified. Forough Farrokhzad, the Persian poet, in whose last works experiences an evolutionary trend and actually achieves a thematic revolution, shares common themes with the Spanish poet which indicates that this Persian contemporary poet has been impressed by Lorca. “The star”, the compound of “star”, “love”, “mermaid” and “bird” are among themes that are shared by both poets which shows the impressibility and connotation of Forough from lorca. On the other hand Intertextuality spread from culture to culture is influenced by various factors. It can demonstrate to the international literature.
Keywords: Persian poetry, impressibility, shared themes, Lorca, Forough Farrokhzad
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