Investigating the Perceptions of Pakistani English Language Learners on Language Learning Anxiety in EFL Classroom
This quantitative study aims to investigate the perceptions of English Language Learners on Language learning Anxiety in EFL classroom. Participants of the study were 145 Intermediate level students of different public colleges of Hyderabad, Sindh who are learning English as a foreign language. The data was collected through the modified form of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) by Horwitz et al., (1986). Findings of this study reveal the causes of foreign language anxiety from the learners’ perceptions such as communication apprehension was identified as the main cause of anxiety followed by the learners’ self-perceived proficiency, fear of being negatively evaluated and nervousness as other sources of anxiety. However, their motivational intensity is higher to learn English. Based on the findings of the study, many of the suggestions are recommended for language teacher however it is also considered that language anxiety is a multi-faceted and complicated in nature which needs further exploration.
Keywords: Perceptions, Pakistani language learners, EFL classroom
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